Discuss Before Marrying – Have been dating for so many years and feel ready to take the next step? Don’t rush to think about the budget, wedding decorations , or the invitation list just yet! Before starting preparations for marriage, there are several things that you must discuss with your partner. The following list will help you decide if you’re sure you want to spend the DilMil rest of your life with him
Things to Understand Before Marriage
Vision and Mission – Discuss Before Marrying
Long before making preparations for marriage, you should sit down together to discuss personal visions and missions. What are your hopes and dreams for the next 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years? What about your partner, does he have similar visions and missions? If they are far apart, can you reconcile the different missions with each other?
Couple Traits
After being in a relationship for so long, really ask yourself, are you guys compatible with each other? Are there traits in your partner that still make you uncomfortable ? This is why it is important to really get to know your partner before you start preparing for marriage. Your household will run in decades, not months or years like when you were dating. If there are still many partner traits that become pet peeves for you, how are you going to tolerate them in the long term?
Relationship with Family – Discuss Before Marrying
How is your relationship with your spouse’s family? How is the couple’s relationship with their own family? This will be very influential, Toppers. No matter how compatible DilMil.Co you are with him, if you can’t feel compatible with your family, especially his parents, all will be in vain. The boyfriend’s relationship with his family can also give a lot of insight into the future household situation, you know.
Have Children or Not?
Your partner wants to have children, doesn’t he? This is important to talk about. Nowadays, there are many women who do not want to have children for various reasons. What is the desired amount? Think about your child-rearing plans later: How to collect tuition fees, how to divide parental roles (does your boyfriend mind changing the baby’s diaper or waking up when your child cries in the middle of the night?), how to socialize identity (religion, sexuality, etc.), to distance age between siblings. Do not let things about children become a source of problems in the future.
How to Solve Problems – Discuss Before Marrying
The way your partner solves problems is certainly different from you. Therefore, it is important for you to go through difficult times together to find out how your partner deals with it. Does he need time to calm down or should he talk about it right away? Is he high-tempered and can easily express frustration, or is he cold-headed and often harbors feelings? The ‘difficult times’ in question are not just trivial matters such as fighting or being stuck in traffic, yes, but big enough problems such as disasters, family conflicts, financial problems , until targets are not achieved at work.
How to Manage Money
After a long time of dating, are you happy with the way your partner manages money? Do you think he is too stingy, or just too ‘generous’ in spending it? Do couples not mind if husband and wife both work? Finance is a serious aspect that needs to be mutually agreed upon before starting preparations for marriage, because many problems in the household arise due to differences in the principles of managing finances.
Relationship with Friends – Discuss Before Marrying
Sometimes the way couples get along with friends can be a little ‘bump’. How does he treat his peers and gender differences? This is quite crucial to talk about, especially about privacy in relationships. Has he always been happy to talk about problems with his friends when you two are fighting? Couples ‘bucket’ can actually make it worse than solving the problem, you know.
Where will you live?
This is closely related to financial conditions. After marriage, where will you live? House or apartment? Do you live with your partner’s family first while slowly saving for your own house or immediately separate from your parents? The city of residence must also be considered. The location of the house will greatly determine the mobility of your work and also your environment when raising children.
Weddings – Discuss Before Marrying
If all the aspects above have been answered properly, then you can start preparing for marriage and planning events! What is your dream wedding like? Think carefully from the concept, location, budget , date, to the invitation list. Make a mutual agreement, so that when discussing it with your family, their wishes can still be in line with your wishes.
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Preparation for marriage, like the wedding itself is not a game, Toppers. Of course, you want your marriage to last forever and only happen once in a lifetime, right? Therefore, before starting, all aspects must be thoroughly thought out. Marriage is not only about feelings, but also unites two individuals with different principles of life, character, ways of solving problems, views on finances, and families